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Transparent foils

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Closing systems for the terrace - transparent foils

The closing systems for terraces with transparent foils are an ingenious option for those who want to transform the terrace into a usable and comfortable space in all conditions. This solution brings a number of significant advantages:

The benefits of closing systems with transparent films

Versatility and flexibility

Transparent sheets can be adapted to a variety of shapes and sizes of the terrace, giving you maximum flexibility in the design of the outdoor space.

Effective protection

Transparent films provide protection against external factors such as wind, rain, noise and dust, providing a comfortable and quiet atmosphere.

Uninterrupted view

This closure system provides an unobstructed view of the surroundings, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape at all times.

Energetic efficiency:

The use of transparent films contributes to maintaining a comfortable temperature inside and reducing heating and cooling costs.

Aesthetic adaptability

Transparent films can be perfectly integrated into the design of the terrace, adding extra aesthetics and functionality.

Transparent films for closing terraces - an elegant and practical solution

Closing systems with transparent foils are ideal for turning the terrace into a usable space all year round. They are made of high quality materials, guaranteeing durability and safety.

With transparent foils, you can create a comfortable environment that protects you from the weather and allows you to enjoy the outdoor space in all conditions. Transparent sheets can be raised or lowered according to your needs, giving you total control over the flow of air and light.

The advantages of transparent foils

Complete protection

Clear sheets provide total protection from the elements, keeping your patio dry and safe.

Energetic efficiency

It contributes to maintaining a comfortable temperature without heat loss or excessive cooling.

Integrated design

The transparent films integrate perfectly into the design of the terrace, adding elegance and aesthetics.

Panoramic view

They provide an uninterrupted view of the outside environment, regardless of whether they are raised or lowered.

Strength and durability

Made of high quality materials, they are designed to last over time.

Common uses of transparencies


Transform your home's terraces into usable spaces all year round.

Restaurants and cafes

Create flexible indoor and outdoor spaces for clients.


Turn balconies into relaxing places where you can dine in any season.


Add extra space and comfort for your customers.

Special events

Transparencies can be used to create temporary spaces for events or parties.

The closing system with transparent foils: versatile space

Closing systems with transparent films are a versatile and practical option for any terrace. They allow you to transform your space. Outside in a comfortable and protected environment, giving you flexibility, aesthetics and functionality at the same time.

Transform your terrace into a versatile, protected and stylish space with our transparent foil closing systems. This solution brings significant benefits, from effective protection from the elements to energy efficiency and integrated aesthetics.

Discover how you can transform your terrace. In an ideal place for relaxation and fun, regardless of the weather conditions. Choose the transparent foils for a terrace perfectly adapted to your needs!

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Wir haben uns für PVC-Fenstertüren von FERNER für unser Haus entschieden und sind äußerst zufrieden. Sie sehen nicht nur gut aus, sondern sind auch hervorragend schall- und wärmeisolierend. Ihr Service war einwandfrei und das Team war sehr freundlich und professionell.

Mihaela Panait

Die versenkbare Pergola, die wir bei FERNER gekauft haben, hat unsere Terrasse völlig verändert. Wir lieben, wie einfach es sich öffnen und schließen lässt, sodass wir je nach Wetterlage völlig flexibel sind. Die Verarbeitungsqualität ist ausgezeichnet und das Design passt perfekt zum Äußeren unseres Hauses.“

Andrei Simion

Die von FERNER erworbene bioklimatische Pergola hat unserem Garten zusätzlichen Komfort gebracht. Wir können das Licht- und Belüftungsniveau nach unseren Wünschen anpassen und das Design ist einfach wunderbar. FERNER-Produkte sehen nicht nur gut aus, sie sind auch funktional.

Ștefan Irimescu


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Transparent foils

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