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Glass roof

Glass roof - a perfect extension for the outdoor space

The Winter Garden fixed pergola is an innovative solution for arranging your terraces and gardens. This elegant structure, made of aluminum and glass, offers an open and bright space that can be used especially in winter, but also throughout the year.

Key benefits:

Optimal thermal and sound insulation

The pergola with glass roof is designed to give you thermal and acoustic comfort in all weather conditions. Thermal barrier profiles and heat-insulating windows maintain a constant temperature and isolate external noises.

Expansion of outdoor space

This pergola can work as an extension of your house or as an independent structure in the garden. The fixed panels, made of safety glass or insulating glass, create a ceiling that integrates perfectly with the environment and offers a relaxing space.

Weather protection

The pergola with glass roof can optionally be equipped with perimeter closing systems and shading systems. Thus, you can enjoy the surrounding landscape regardless of the weather conditions.

Custom setup

You have the opportunity to completely customize the pergola, from dimensions and design to use. It can be configured as either a fixed or a movable roof with variable openings from 50% to 80%.

Easy to maintain

Pergola with a glass roof made of glass or aluminum is extremely resistant to corrosion and does not require special maintenance outside of regular cleaning. The glass has a treatment that repels dirt, keeping the surface clean.

Versatility in use

This structure can be used in a variety of locations including stairs, balconies, building entrances, gardens, pool edges and patios. Due to its ability to be dismantled, it is suitable for residential and commercial spaces.

The glass roof: Innovation and Comfort

Our main objective is to create a usable and comfortable space all year round. The pergola with a glass roof allows you to enjoy the beauty of your surroundings at all times, while protecting you from adverse weather conditions. Această soluție elegantă adaugă valoare și estetică spațiului dvs. exterior, oferindu-vă o experiență plăcută și relaxantă în orice moment.

Nu ratați ocazia de a extinde și îmbunătăți spațiul dvs. exterior cu un acoperiș de sticlă. Contact us now and discover how you can add value to your home. and you can enjoy an open and bright space all year round.

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People's opinions about FERNER

Per la nostra casa abbiamo scelto le porte per serramenti in PVC della FERNER e siamo estremamente soddisfatti. Non solo hanno un bell'aspetto, ma sono anche acustici e isolano notevolmente termicamente. Il loro servizio è stato impeccabile e il team è stato molto gentile e professionale.

Mihaela Panait

La pergola retrattile che abbiamo acquistato da FERNER ha completamente trasformato la nostra terrazza. Adoriamo la facilità con cui può essere aperto e chiuso, offrendoci totale flessibilità a seconda del tempo. La qualità costruttiva è eccellente e il design si abbina perfettamente all'esterno della nostra casa."

Andrei Simion

La pergola bioclimatica acquistata da FERNER ha portato ulteriore comfort nel nostro giardino. Possiamo regolare il livello di luce e ventilazione in base alle nostre preferenze e il design è semplicemente meraviglioso. I prodotti FERNER non sono solo belli, ma sono anche funzionali.

Ștefan Irimescu


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Glass roof

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