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Guillotine systems

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  • Guillotine systems

Guillotine systems - transform your terrace

Closing systems for terraces with sliding or guillotine windows bring a dose of elegance and practicality to your outdoor space. It gives you the opportunity to transform the terrace into a usable and comfortable environment all year round.

The benefits of guillotine glass closing systems

Simple operation

Guillotine systems are easy to use, allowing them to be opened and closed quickly and efficiently, giving total control over the flow of air and light.

Total protection

These systems provide protection against the elements, such as wind, rain, noise and dust, providing a comfortable space in all weather conditions.

Strength and durability

Guillotine systems are made of high quality materials and safety glass, guaranteeing long-term durability.

Energetic efficiency:

It helps improve the energy efficiency of your space by keeping heat inside and reducing heating and cooling costs.


Each system can be tailored to your needs. Specific, offering a solution perfectly integrated into the design and functionality of your terrace.

Closing the terrace with guillotine glass

Guillotine glass closing systems are ideal solutions for residential houses and commercial premises. They allow you to use the terrace space throughout the year, bringing more aesthetics and comfort.

Guillotine glass panels can be partially opened or closed, giving you control over the flow of air and light. They are secure and durable, guaranteeing safety and protection against external factors.

Advantages of guillotine glass:

Easy to use

Simple operation allows the panels to be opened and closed quickly and effortlessly.

Uninterrupted view

The guillotine panels offer an uninterrupted view of the outside environment without visual obstruction.

Energy efficient

It contributes to maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and reducing energy costs.

Safety assured

Guillotine glass closing systems are designed to ensure safety and protection.


They are suitable for a variety of terrace shapes and sizes.

Common uses of guillotine glass systems


Transform your home's patios. in spaces usable throughout the year.

Restaurants and cafes

Create flexible indoor and outdoor spaces for clients.


Take advantage of the additional space and control over light and air.


It provides protection and aesthetics to commercial spaces.

Guillotine glass closing systems: protection and elegance

Sliding glass shutter systems are a versatile and stylish option for any outdoor space. They allow you to get the most out of your patio. All year round, ensuring comfort, protection and aesthetics.

Transform your patio into a perfectly usable and stylish space with our guillotine glass closure systems. With all its benefits, from simple operation and advanced protection to energy efficiency and complete customization, this solution brings everything you need to enjoy your outdoor patio to the fullest.

To transform your terrace Into a dream space, contact us today and find out how we can help you achieve this with Ferner's guillotine glazing systems!

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People's opinions about FERNER

Per la nostra casa abbiamo scelto le porte per serramenti in PVC della FERNER e siamo estremamente soddisfatti. Non solo hanno un bell'aspetto, ma sono anche acustici e isolano notevolmente termicamente. Il loro servizio è stato impeccabile e il team è stato molto gentile e professionale.

Mihaela Panait

La pergola retrattile che abbiamo acquistato da FERNER ha completamente trasformato la nostra terrazza. Adoriamo la facilità con cui può essere aperto e chiuso, offrendoci totale flessibilità a seconda del tempo. La qualità costruttiva è eccellente e il design si abbina perfettamente all'esterno della nostra casa."

Andrei Simion

La pergola bioclimatica acquistata da FERNER ha portato ulteriore comfort nel nostro giardino. Possiamo regolare il livello di luce e ventilazione in base alle nostre preferenze e il design è semplicemente meraviglioso. I prodotti FERNER non sono solo belli, ma sono anche funzionali.

Ștefan Irimescu


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Guillotine systems

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