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Aluminum-plated wooden windows and doors

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  • Aluminum-plated wooden windows and doors

Aluminum clad wooden windows and doors

With aluminum clad wood windows and doors, we present a solution that brings together the elegant look of aluminum and the energy efficiency of wood joinery. These products are not just components of your home, but also expressions of beauty, durability and modern technology.

The perfect combination: wood and aluminum

Aluminum-clad wood windows and doors manage to combine the advantages of both materials in one system. Aluminum brings with it elegance and weather resistance, while wood offers thermal insulation and a natural and warm touch. This combination ensures increased durability and efficient performance.

Modern appearance and energy efficiency

These products represent the future in architecture and design. They allow the use of triple glazing or those with advanced technology up to 58 mm thick, giving a contemporary appearance to the facade. These windows help save energy and reduce CO2 emissions, maximizing solar benefits, especially during the cold season.

Ecological and sustainable

We are dedicated to protecting the environment, that’s why we use recycled materials for aluminum profiles and lead-free PVC with calcium/zinc-based ecological stabilizers. This assures the user that they are acting in an environmentally friendly manner.

Exterior elegance and durability

Clad aluminum on the exterior provides a stylish look and weather protection. The choice of colors is varied, allowing you to customize the design of the facade according to your preferences. The elegant exterior perfectly matches the design of the building.

Exceptional thermal and sound insulation

Windows and doors made of aluminum-clad wood are distinguished by their excellent thermal insulation, comparable to that of plastic joinery. This system ensures thermal and acoustic comfort inside the home, without compromise.

Energy efficiency and weather protection

The system integrates weather protection and provides an effective thermal barrier. It is easy to maintain, durable and resistant to extreme weather conditions, making these windows and doors ideal choices for the facade of the house.

Customization and adaptability

Whether you live in a modern or traditional home, aluminum clad wood windows and doors can perfectly suit the architectural style. With a variety of profiles and finishes available, you can create exactly the look you want for your home.

The choice of durability and elegance

Aluminum clad wood windows and doors are the ideal choice for those looking for a combination of elegance, energy efficiency and durability. Transform your home into an exceptional space by choosing this modern and versatile carpentry solution.

Choose FERNER for aluminum clad wooden windows and doors, we specialize in providing these solutions!

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Per la nostra casa abbiamo scelto le porte per serramenti in PVC della FERNER e siamo estremamente soddisfatti. Non solo hanno un bell'aspetto, ma sono anche acustici e isolano notevolmente termicamente. Il loro servizio è stato impeccabile e il team è stato molto gentile e professionale.

Mihaela Panait

La pergola retrattile che abbiamo acquistato da FERNER ha completamente trasformato la nostra terrazza. Adoriamo la facilità con cui può essere aperto e chiuso, offrendoci totale flessibilità a seconda del tempo. La qualità costruttiva è eccellente e il design si abbina perfettamente all'esterno della nostra casa."

Andrei Simion

La pergola bioclimatica acquistata da FERNER ha portato ulteriore comfort nel nostro giardino. Possiamo regolare il livello di luce e ventilazione in base alle nostre preferenze e il design è semplicemente meraviglioso. I prodotti FERNER non sono solo belli, ma sono anche funzionali.

Ștefan Irimescu


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Aluminum-plated wooden windows and doors

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