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Mobile anti-insect nets

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  • Mobile anti-insect nets

Mobile insect net - protection against insects

The mobile anti-insect net is a practical and flexible solution to protect your home against the invasion of insects, while ensuring a cool and well-ventilated environment. At FERNER, we understand the importance of enjoying the comfort and fresh air of your home without being bothered by flies, mosquitoes or other unwanted flying insects.

The benefits of the mobile anti-insect net


The mobile insect screen gives you the flexibility to use it anywhere in your home. You can place it on windows, doors or even on the terrace, offering you protection in the areas where you need it.

Ventilation and natural light

With the help of movable nets, you can keep windows and doors open, allowing fresh air to flow inside and natural light to illuminate the rooms, without allowing insects to enter.

User friendly

Mobile insect screens are easy to install and use. You can easily open and close them to suit your needs at the moment.

Year-round protection

Regardless of the season, the mobile insect screen provides you with constant protection against insects, allowing you to enjoy the comfort of your home.

Durable quality

Our products are made of high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and weather, guaranteeing you long-term use.

Aesthetic appearance

Our mobile screens are designed to blend harmoniously into the design of your home, offering a pleasant and discreet appearance.

Professional installation

Our team of experts can help you with the installation of mobile insect screens, ensuring they are installed correctly and working efficiently.

Protect your home and create a comfortable and safe environment with high-quality mobile insect screens from FERNER. Contact us today to find out how we can help you keep your home bug free and fresh.

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Per la nostra casa abbiamo scelto le porte per serramenti in PVC della FERNER e siamo estremamente soddisfatti. Non solo hanno un bell'aspetto, ma sono anche acustici e isolano notevolmente termicamente. Il loro servizio è stato impeccabile e il team è stato molto gentile e professionale.

Mihaela Panait

La pergola retrattile che abbiamo acquistato da FERNER ha completamente trasformato la nostra terrazza. Adoriamo la facilità con cui può essere aperto e chiuso, offrendoci totale flessibilità a seconda del tempo. La qualità costruttiva è eccellente e il design si abbina perfettamente all'esterno della nostra casa."

Andrei Simion

La pergola bioclimatica acquistata da FERNER ha portato ulteriore comfort nel nostro giardino. Possiamo regolare il livello di luce e ventilazione in base alle nostre preferenze e il design è semplicemente meraviglioso. I prodotti FERNER non sono solo belli, ma sono anche funzionali.

Ștefan Irimescu


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Mobile anti-insect nets

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