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Thermal glass

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Thermal glass - the ideal solution for comfort and energy efficiency

Thermal glass is an advanced technology in the field of construction, designed to ensure an optimal level of thermal insulation and energy efficiency. This offers multiple benefits, helping to increase comfort in the home and reduce the costs of heating and cooling spaces. FERNER provides you with this state-of-the-art technology to improve your home or commercial space.

Benefits of thermal glass

Advanced thermal insulation

Thermal glass is designed to reduce heat loss in winter and prevent excess heat from entering in summer. This leads to a more comfortable indoor climate and significant savings on energy bills.

Energetic efficiency:

By using thermal glass, you can reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling, helping to protect the environment and lower energy costs.

UV blocking

Thermal glass is designed to block harmful UV rays, protecting furniture and interior finishes from fading and damage.


Thermal glass can be equipped with safety features, such as tempered or laminated glass, to prevent breakage and fragmentation into sharp pieces.

Colors available

Applications of thermal glass

Thermal glass is suitable for a wide range of applications, including windows and doors, balustrades, building facades and roofs. Whether you are renovating a home or planning the construction of a commercial building, thermal glass helps you achieve the highest standards of comfort and energy efficiency.

FERNER - your partner for quality thermal glass

Ferner offers you the highest quality thermal glass, manufactured with cutting-edge technology and in accordance with the most rigorous industry standards. Our expert team is at your disposal to consult and help you choose the perfect thermal glass solution for your project. With FERNER, you can enjoy a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment, turning every space into a pleasant place and environmentally friendly.

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People's opinions about FERNER

Am ales uși din tâmplărie PVC de la FERNER pentru casa noastră și suntem extrem de mulțumiți. Acestea nu doar că arată bine, dar și izolează fonic și termic în mod remarcabil. Serviciul lor a fost impecabil, iar echipa a fost foarte amabilă și profesionistă.

Mihaela Panait

Pergola retractabilă pe care am achiziționat-o de la FERNER a transformat complet terasa noastră. Ne place cât de ușor poate fi deschisă și închisă, oferindu-ne flexibilitate totală în funcție de vreme. Calitatea construcției este excelentă, iar designul se potrivește perfect cu exteriorul casei noastre."

Andrei Simion

Pergola bioclimatică achiziționată de la FERNER a adus un plus de confort în grădina noastră. Putem regla nivelul de lumină și ventilație în funcție de preferințele noastre, iar designul este simplu minunat. Produsele FERNER nu doar că arată bine, dar sunt și funcționale.

Ștefan Irimescu


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Thermal glass

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